Originally Posted by Kirk Fitzgerald
Opened productforums_listed_bit
replaced this line:
<a href="{vb:raw vboptions.bburl}/showthread.php?t={vb:raw threadid}" class="title"><img src="{vb:raw mainphoto_thumb}" border="0" alt="product photo for {vb:var title}" /></a>
With this line:
<a href="{vb:raw vboptions.bburl}/showthread.php?t={vb:raw threadid}" class="title"><img src="productphotos/5001db3eda3fd_full.jpg" border="0" alt="product photo for {vb:var title}" /></a>
It did this:
Looks like you just need to change the path set in your admin to productphotos/ and you'll be good to go.