Tried in on VB4.2.0 PL 2 this evening and couldn't get it to work at all. The code seemed to run but the Cron job did not. I tried to run it manually and it just hung on a grey screen which said, on upper left corner, VB External Image Importer (or words to that effect). Turned on logging and there was nothing in the logs, tried again, same thing nothing in the logs. FTP to server and looked at the Images/imported folder and seen that it had created 2011 folder and two folders under that one named 01 and the other named 11. Nothing in either folder.
I uninstalled and re-installed, making sure to overwrite, and still the same problem. I tried to uninstall again and this time the uninstall routine hung on a grey screen. Disabled and tried to unisntall and still hung on the grey screen. Diasbled all plugins globally and tried to uninstall, still hung on grey screen. Disabled cron job and tried to unistall and still hung on grey screen. Re-enabled global plugins and then disabled all individual plugins and tried to uninstall. Still hung on grey screen. Finally, re-installed and overwrote (again) and immediately went to uninstall and finally removed it from site. It sounds lovely and now that I can choose which forums I want to include in the import process it would be brilliant if it would work for me.
Incidentally fopen on URL's is on and there's no firewall blocking downloads (I tried your test.php file for google from way back in the middle of this thread....yeah I read the whole thread looking for answers).
Thankfully I was running this on my test rig here in my office and not on my live server so I was'nt worried about all the issues. I'm off to bed now, it's 2:00 am here in the UK, and I'll have another run at this tomorrow.
PS anyone have any success in running it on a 4.2.0 Pl2 install?