My Site Got Hacked Today
The site where I spent most of my time and doing most of my work, my playground, got hacked today and totally wiped out. One of my other admins said all the pages were blank with the exception of the words Hacking Attempt! up in the top left hand corner.
By the time I got online to check everything was gone - 3 databases deleted and all the files gone from the server, tons of hours and some unique scripts wiped out.
I'm not going to attempt to rebuild or open a new site, sites are getting hacked all too frequently now and I'm not about to pour numerous hours and money into something that could get wiped out again by someone looking for a cheap thrill or whatever it is they gain from taking down a site. This might come as a surprise but it is a hassle I don't need.
I'm going back into hospital next month for a follow-up to surgery I had at the turn of the year, maybe after that (and by which time vBulletin 5 should be appearing) I'll look at the possibility of opening a new site and continuing my hobby but in the meantime I shall bid you farewell.
*This does mean all my mods that say 'Not Supported' will now definitely be unsupported and anyone looking for v3 Arcade support will need to go through the vBAdvanced guys.
Thanks for giving me a home for the past 8 years - it has been a blast.