Hey all!
Hope everyone is well

Lots and lots of new faces around these parts. Then again, 2 years since I last popped in so no big surprize there.
I've decided its about time I dusted off the old server and licenses and got back into doing something productive again.
Does anyone still run old school licenses, or is it all new fangled 4.x these days? It wasn't even released last time I ran a forum! In saying that, I'm probably not gonna get back into admining, takes too much time and unfortunately I can't dedicate that much time to it anymore to do it justice. Still, a bit of coding is always both fun to do and keeps the old grey matter ticking over nicely.
What a faff trying to get myself logged back in and showing as licensed though! Couldn't remember my password, but had auto logged in. Needed to change my email, so had to reset the password first. Couldn't remember the password for my email either, nor shortcut by changing my email in my members area as I have no idea at all what email I used for that or where I put the login details. Ah well, I got here in the end.
So a big hello from me to the old-timers, and a welcome to the people I've not yet met