Originally Posted by kh99
You would need a plugin to do that, but it's a one liner. Use hook newthread_form_start and this code:
$newpost['title'] = $vbulletin->input->clean_gpc('r', 'subject', TYPE_STR);
and then add something like &subject=thread%20title to your url. (Of course your title will need to be URL-encoded, specifically spaces need to be represented as %20).
Thanks for the quick response! Code works great and even being the novice I am, I was able to implement it quickly and easily with your simple instructions.
That being said, I have one follow up question...
If I attempt use a vBulletin variable in the Thread Title and it contains an ampersand in the variable the Thread Title will stop processing at that point and cut the rest of the title off. Is there a work around for this?
Example: I use ...&subject=Issues%20with%20{vb:raw cruiseline}
Where cruiseline = P&O Cruises, then the results displayed for title are "Issues with P".