vb 4.2.0 pl2 skin errors. please help

im having issues with this skin. Can somebody please help. Everything looks great except for 2 things.
1). the nav buttons are way stretched out...how can i fix this.
2) the chat box and forum statistic have a white box the covers partially....it makes it difficult to read things. How can i fix this?
I tried deleting everything and reinstalling everything and still the same issue
Thank you in advance for any help.
i have reverted the templates, i reverted the nav bar, ...etc
I got the skin from forumcore.net here:
sorry the link is through a proxy site as i was banned from the site for asking for help in the chat box....ugh.
They claim the skin is 4.2.0 and its name there is aftermath orange 4.2.0.
its a free dl if you want to check out the xml file/stylevars? I loked at them and they are too compicated for me to understand