Originally Posted by dsantana
I installed the update today and now when you roll over a pointer I don't get a username and the search function isn't working either.
Same username and password that I set on my test site...
Please install the Fixed xml file I have attached to the thread. This will fix the issue (damned typos LOL)
Originally Posted by bt012ss
Good Morning Marc,
thanks for the quick help. the german characters in the popup will now be there
see the jpg, the letters in the "search by town" will not be shown when i change the phrase "dcmembermap_clearresults"
from "clear results" in "suche l?schen".
and, the same problem like "dsantana" - after update the search function by username will not work.
As above please install the fix xml file from the main thread. I will update the package tonight with this and will also include encoding for the phrases for you.
Originally Posted by thecore762
Installed & Nominated!
Thank you for making an awesome plugin!
Edit: Avatars are not showing: http://www.47r-squad.com/dcMembermap.php
Also add the bottom it's saying the following:
dcMembermap_js (1)
postbit_onlinestatus (4)
Please try the fixed xml file on main topic, however Im not sure this is the problem for you unfortunatly. I will take a look at this tonight for you. Please send me a pm with login details for your site in the meantime.