Originally Posted by squidsk
Is it messed up with the default style? I'm asking because that custom style has a tonne of xhtml validation errors, any of which might cause odd behaviour with the appearance of a page.
No the default style is fine but thats because the default style only has the VB navbar not the custom navbar he has added to the forum.
Here is the custom navbar coding in the 'header' template:
<!-- Begin Menu -->
<ul id="nav">
<li><a href="
<li><a href="
<ul><!-- Begin Sub Level -->
<li><a href="
http://www.thepublicenemy.net/search...orum_Post">New Posts</a></li>
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http://www.thepublicenemy.net/search.php?do=getdaily&contenttype=vBForum_Post">T oday's Posts</a></li>
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http://www.thepublicenemy.net/forumdisplay.php?2-Bullshitters-Bench">Bullshitter's Bench</a></li>
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http://www.thepublicenemy.net/forumd...3">Battlefield 3</a></li>
<li><a href="
http://www.thepublicenemy.net/forumd...scussion">Clan Discussion</a></li>
</ul><!-- End Sub Level -->
<li><a href="#">-TPE- Center</a>
<ul><!-- Begin Sub Level -->
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http://www.thepublicenemy.net/forms....rm&fid=1">Join -TPE-</a></li>
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http://www.thepublicenemy.net/home/i...icID=6">Recent Donators</a></li>
</ul><!-- End Sub Level -->
<li><a href="#">-TPE- Center 2</a>
<ul><!-- Begin Sub Level -->
<li><a href="
http://www.thepublicenemy.net/awards.php">Awards Program</a></li>
<li><a href="
http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3...5240986011936/" target="_blank">Battlelog Page</a></li>
<li><a href="
http://www.youtube.com/user/TPEthepublicenemy/feed" target="_blank">Youtube Page</a></li>
</ul><!-- End Sub Level -->
<li><a href="#">Competition</a>
<ul><!-- Begin Sub Level -->
<li><a href="
http://www.thepublicenemy.net/home/i...e=clanwars">BF 3 Matches</a></li>
<li><a href="
http://www.thepublicenemy.net/home/i...cID=2">Overall Match History</a></li>
</ul><!-- End Sub Level -->
<li><a href="#">Media & Info</a>
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<li><a href="
http://www.thepublicenemy.net/home/i...aticID=4">-TPE- Videos</a></li>
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</ul><!-- End Sub Level -->
<!-- End Menu -->
Can I build a new template based off 'header' and replace the line in the awards template?
Then edit the new template IE header_awards and try to fix the issue that is conflicting with the awards template?