Originally Posted by borbole
That link has gone south. So on your site I looked found
Vbulletin Services > Modifications Area > Free Mods (support), but this one isn't listed there. So where do I get support?
In the meantime, here is my issue. Yesterday one of our admins has asked me:
I tried to post an ad in our Webmaster & Advertising Offers & Requests section and got this:
An error has occurred...! You have reached the maximum number of 1 threads per 2 days set by the admin for this forum.
The last thread I posted in that section was on "Tue 10th Jul 2012 19:40"
I should be able to post a new thread there. I'm concerned that we are making it difficult for our members to post here.
I can easily exclude myself from that restriction in the ACP, but then it would probably still be effecting our other members.
And today he posted:
I just tried again to post an ad, i.e. start a new thread in that section, but am getting the same error message.
I posted the ad on a few other forums no problem, but can't post it on my own
I can't see anywhere in the settings that would affect things in this way. Do you have any suggestions?