Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg
Ok let me see if I can explain what is happening here.
I have two issues not big but kind of weird.
If you add the full link (absolute url) to the "Award Image URL" field when adding a new award instead of just the short (relative url) "images/medals/1_month.jpg" version of the url when going to the Award Manager page the awards do not show up in the Award column.
The awards how ever do show up in the Awards page on my forums. If I do use the absolute url the award will show up in the Award Manager page in my backend but when a new thread is posted I get this where I only see the bb code instead of the award.
When I right click to view the image in the Award Manager I get a 403 page not found but the link looks like this
Is there a way to allow absolute urls so that the Award shows up in the Award Manager?
I don't see anything in the code that would cause absolute urls to fail. The default medals use absolute url and they display without a problem. As for relative urls not working, its because the [img] tag does not handle relative urls.