Originally Posted by SimonB
I was hoping you wouldn't say that... just makes reporting on that ad a tad more difficult I guess. Perhaps something to consider for a future version?
Now if I can try work out why the ad wont show up in my "Below Navbar" position but it works in all my other custom positions...
The weight calculations would add far too much overhead on loading, since it would need to query also the impression history each time, and also the start and end dates, and, and, and ... trust me, you would not like this plugin any more after you got proper weight handling
If we would work around this history, making it just "more probable" to show up, we would run in a new bunch of problems, such as showing weighted banners too often. The only weighting we have been playing with for a while, was the favouring of new banners until they have somewhat levelled compared to the old banners, but even this method was then abbandoned.
Most banner problems are due to a wrong time frame, spelling errors and/or too restrictive additional rules