Originally Posted by Allthumbz
I just started using your mod and have a simple question.
Do I have to put the vbb code in the advertising section in the cpanel for each location I want to have an ad?
How then can ads be placed anywhere, if I am limited to the positions in the Advertising function?
Thanks in advance!
cpanel isn't vbulletin
In Admin CP of vbulletin you will have to add one or more new banners into one or more locations as you wish. Normally you would just occupy location 0 for all banners and put one or more <!--@vbbanners:0@--> at any template you wish, even into CMS widgets or forum blocks. If you have for example the need to show specific banners in your signature, or if you wish to show a page peel, then you would use a different location and a different placeholder, e.g. for location 8: <!--@vbbanners:8@-->.