Originally Posted by Lynne
Did you try changing the plugin to put it above the thread info instead of above the quick reply?
PHP Code:
// to put it above the Quick Reply box
//$find = '<!-- scripts for quick reply and quick edit -->';
// to put it above the Thread Information box
$find = '<div id="thread_info" class="thread_info block">';
Do this?
I can't find the above code. I can find the (scripts for quick reply and quick edit) and ('<div id="thread_info" class="thread_info block">') But when I find those lines in showthread it does not look anything like the php code you have above.
PHP Code:
<div id="thread_info" class="thread_info block">
<vb:if condition="$show['activeusers']">
<h4 class="threadinfohead blockhead">{vb:rawphrase thread_information}</h4>
<div id="thread_onlineusers" class="thread_info_block blockbody formcontrols">
<div class="inner_block">
<h5>{vb:rawphrase users_browsing_this_thread}</h5>
<p>{vb:rawphrase users_currently_browsing_x_y_z, {vb:raw totalonline}, {vb:raw numberregistered}, {vb:raw numberguest}}</p>
<ol class="commalist">
<vb:each from="activeusers" value="row">
<li><a class="username" href="{vb:link member, {vb:raw row}}">{vb:raw row.musername}</a>{vb:raw row.invisiblemark}{vb:raw row.buddymark}{vb:raw row.comma}</li>
PHP Code:
<!-- scripts for quick reply and quick edit -->
{vb:raw vBeditTemplate.clientscript}
<vb:if condition="$show['quickedit']">
<script type="text/javascript">
<vb:if condition="!$show['quickreply']">
{vb:raw editor_clientscript}
{vb:raw editor_js}
<!-- / scripts for quick reply and quick edit -->
Am I in the right spot in showthread?
I have 4.2.0 patch 2
While we are at it will this plug in still work in VB 5?