Originally Posted by karlm
That doesn't appear to be the resolve...
I copied the location and pasted it directly to the address bar so I could physically see where it was looking and noted it has doubled the format extension.
For some reason, png comes up twice. I don't know if I'm the only one encountering this, so it may be an issue my side.
Also, if I collapse the side bar - the screen expands correctly.. I move onto my next thread/different subforum/etc. and instead of the side bar is a blank column where the side-bar would be if it were visible... so my viewers aren't gaining anything if they collapse the bar as the space remains (as white space) on a page change.
I can't reproduce these issues anywhere else. Have you tried it on the default style? If you want to PM me admin access I will take a look when I get a chance.
Originally Posted by tommyxv
Is this mod XHTML valid? Also, is there a setting to always show the sidebar. I don't want anyone to be able to collapse it. There is a css trick to remove the collapse button if not.
Yes there is a never-collapse option.
Honestly I don't know if it's XHTML valid or not, I don't care about such things.