Originally Posted by Ted S
A join brings two tables together... For example for your needs:
SELECT <all the existing fields>,user.userid,user.username
FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pf_product.createdby = user.userid
JOIN user ON pf_product
You'd work this into the query in the hook showthread_post_start
If you have a closed area of your forum for products play around with the code. While I understand it's not simple templates the best way to take control is by tweaking which leads to learning.
I really appreciate how much help you are being but this still doesn't make any sense to me at all, I have absolutely no idea how I would work a query into that hook. :erm:
I think it would be best for me to just accept the mod the way it works as is, I am finding myself feeling real stupid here and it's not going my self confidence any good at all.
Thanks for being so patient with me, this is a truly fantastic mod and you are a very good person for providing such a great mod and for being so helpful. :up:
Regards, Kirk.