Originally Posted by Kirk Fitzgerald
Again, sorry, my fault for not being clear, had a very long day and was very tired, sorry about that.
So editing the template is a work around, that is great news and sounds very promising, but like I mentioned, I am no coder and can't figure out how to get the data.
I have created a language phrase so have the text "Listing Created By: " showing but I can't figure out what to use to pull in the users name.
I am using this:
<div id="pf_createdby">
{vb:phrase prodforums_creator,{vb:raw product.createdby}}
</div><br />
I looked in the database and figured the field I need to call is createdby, either that is wrong or I have missed something, would you be so kind as to help me out here please, can you tell me what I need to use, it would be wonderfully helpful, if you don't mind too much.
Thanks, Kirk. 
Your code isn't all that bad -- you'd need to be sure you have {1} for the variable but it's the variable where your issue is...
createdby a user id and to make a name show up you'll have to find the query that pulls in the product info and join the user table, add user.username and then change the variable to {vb:raw product.username}. If that sounds crazy, sorry.