Originally Posted by SwollenCranium
While viewing Gallery home I select "latest album" from the drop down button:
I get the following error:
Invalid response from server: <br /><strong>Warning</strong>: getimagesize([path]/dbtech/gallery/images/upload//1/thumb/_.) [<a href='function.getimagesize'>function.getimagesize</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <strong>[path]/dbtech/gallery/modules/gallery/functions/class_module.php</strong> on line <strong>350</strong><br /><br /><strong>Warning</strong>: getimagesize([path]/dbtech/gallery/images/upload//1/thumb/_.) [<a href='function.getimagesize'>function.getimagesize</a>]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in <strong>[path]/dbtech/gallery/modules/gallery/functions/class_module.php</strong> on line <strong>350</strong><br /><?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?> MORE FOLLOWS, COMMENTED OUT FOR BREVITY
I'll set up an admin/pass if you need it.
Thanks, I replicated this locally. I have it fixed, I'll upload a new release probably later tonight if I get another problem fixed.