I have same ploblem like #1.
I need a variable to display avatar's URL, and i've asked "thanhdia", he have already answered me with my ploblem.
My forum version is 4.1.10.
Here is his answer: Create a new variable:
{vb:raw cus_avatar} with new plugin.
1. Add new plugin with Template Hook is
parse_templates with code:
if ($vbulletin->userinfo['userid'])
$avatar_url = fetch_avatar_url($vbulletin->userinfo['userid']);
$avatar = $avatar_url[0];
$cus_avatar = '<a href="profile.php?do=editavatar"><img src="'.$avatar.'" border="0" alt="" /></a>';
$templater = vB_Template::create('yourtemplate');
$templater->register('cus_avatar', $cus_avatar);
vB_Template::preRegister('yourtemplate',array('cus_avatar' => $cus_avatar));
yourtemplate is the name of the template which you want to add the newvariable. Replace it ^^!
Ex: header...
Active new plugin which you have created. OK
3. Final, just need add the variable
{vb:raw cus_avatar} at anywhere on your template which you replace in code.
But... some new problem is appear. Mod "Two columns of categories - by rellect" is conflict with this plugin. >"<
Now I want to discuss with everybody to fix it. Help me. Thanks a lot! ^^!