Originally Posted by kether1
I understand. This made me think of two other possibilities:
1. Is there a way to make an image that is stored in the gallery and that is put in a post - use the attachment feature from the forum software? (I'm not really sure I'm explaining that correctly.) I mean, is there some way to cause the image to be stored as an attachment - if it is put into a post - and from the gallery? I currently have my forum set up so that members cannot delete attachments. After 48 hours, they can no longer edit a post either. If the inserted image code somehow triggered the attachment manager for VB, then the image would be safe even if the user deleted the image in their personal gallery. (I'm just dreaming here as I do not know how that system works and it may be the same issue as you described before.)
2. Alternatively, I wonder if after 'X' number of days of being posted into an album, if all images in that album can become non-deletable? I suppose that would do the trick, but not really what one looks for in a gallery setup I guess. haha.. I'm just trying to find away to offer a gallery to the members that will not result in broken threads/posts down the line.
Thanks for your time, Dylan.
I don't know if either way would be desirable really. First one you are doubling up on space used, which can get quite large. Second one, the users will eventually figure out the time limit, post an image and delete it sooner then they would to keep it from being stuck on their gallery.
I just thought of another idea I'll think about trying. I can add an option in the acp so you can set any images to go to a moderator group on delete. Then the moderators can check if the image is associated with anything before either physically deleting it or leaving it as non visible in the gallery but still available for links.