Originally Posted by kh99
It's working like it should. The button should bring you to the quick reply box, but it also connects to the server (something about formatting quotes, but it seems to do it even if you aren't quoting anything), and if there's a problem like the server doesn't reply in time or something, then it takes you to the full reply page.
Thanks for that, I did wonder if it might be intentional!
Originally Posted by kh99
I think you can also force the buttons to go to the full reply page by editing the SHOWTHREAD template. Search for id="newreplylink_top" and remove it, and do the same for id="newreplylink_bottom".
This has worked perfectly for the 'Reply to thread' button at the top of each thread, but it removed the button from the bottom of the threads (which is the one most people are going to want to use). Very odd. Not sure why it wouldn't work for the bottom one.