PPN, i am gonna have to spank your butt for lying to me!!!!
This isn't quite what i was talking about.....
What i want is this:
1. to be able to create "bannerzones".
2. to be have all forums default to zone1 unless edited.
3. to be able to edit the zone a forum will be in in the "edit forum properties" screen.
4. to be able to create a template for that bannerzone (such as banners_zone1, banners_zone2 etc.)
It really shouldn't be that big of a deal....just have the system look up the bannerzone for the forum when showing a forumview or threadview in that area....kind of like doing a template lookup, only not quite.
This way, the bannerzones could be edited...as well as stacked (So if i have advertisers who run national ads, some running Texas, and some running Houston only, then the banners could be set up so that Houston's bannerzone would look like:
National banners HTML
Texas bannerzone HTML
Houston bannerzone HTML
everytime our ads change, i spend tons of time redoing the headers for each city....and god help me if i actually put in a new hack, because then i have to edit the templates in every city as well.....which is a major pain in the hiney!!!!!