Originally Posted by stalkingdatoast
WHere do i change this?? im also trying to hide the email so no one changes it. Where exacly do i change the input type from text to hidden?? PLease help asap
In Admin CP - Settings -> vBulletin Options -> General Settings edit the setting "Add Template Name in HTML Comments" to YES.
Now go load the page to change your email/password an view the page source in your browser.
The name of each template used will be shown in the HTML comments.
Figure out which template is being used to show the email fields.
In Admin CP -> Style Manager -> (Choose your style) -> Edit Templates
Edit that template... change the fields for the email from <input type="text"... > to <input type="hidden" ...>
Do this for both the email line and the confirmation line.
Don't do anything else.
Save the template and make sure it works how you expect.
If it does (it should) you can go back to the template and edit out the code that mentions email change in the template as well so no one knows anything is missing.
Actually thinking about it you may want to simply add "
readonly" to the existing input fields so users can still see it but not edit it.
Might be easier, ultimately up to you.
Originally Posted by Simon Lloyd
Why not just change the field in profile manager for Field Editable by User to "Only at registration"?
Email is not a field available in the field manager- at least it isn't listed in any of my forums.