Hello. I used to have a 3.8.7 board, with vbcredits installed. Then i've removed almost all hacks, this included, to upgrade to a 4.2 vbulletin.
When i was upgrading i've received this error:
Module: vbblog, Step 1 Error.
A conflict was detected in the bitfields. You cannot continue with the installation of this product until this has been fixed. The conflicts found were:
Bitfield Collision: allowvideos = credits_cantearn
Bitfield Collision: bypassdp = credits_cantshow
Bitfield Collision: displaywrt = credits_cantaward
Bitfield Collision: canreputation = credits_modawards
Bitfield Collision: allowvideos = credits_cantearn
Bitfield Collision: bypassdp = credits_cantshow
Bitfield Collision: displaywrt = credits_cantaward
Bitfield Collision: canreputation = credits_modawards
In the middle of upgrade process. I've opened a ticket at vbulletin support, that told me to uninstall the vbcredits plugin.
Opened the admincp and the plugin isn't there in the list to uninstall it. How can i manually do that? Is there a way to fix the issue so i can continue with the upgrade?