Originally Posted by twis7054
so I am attempting to edit a page, the "homepage" and going down to Advanced options where it says:
"Here you may specify a different value for any default settings that will apply only to this page. Click the + image next to a group or module's title to expand the settings for that group. If you have previously customized a setting and wish to revert this page back to using the default value, check the "Use Default" checkbox to the right of that setting's title and then save this page."
however, I am not seeing any + beside the options so I am unable to edit any of them. Please advise on how to fix this.
I am running vBulletin 4.2.0 Patch Level 2. The icons were there for ONE change, I changed one item under the "Site Navigation" option and now I cannot edit anything more.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Is that an option of the default vBulletin Admin CP? That happens even on the default style of vBulletin or only on the Reptile Green template?
Can you tell us which options are you choosing on the right sidebar either of the vBulletin Admin CP or the front-end?
Thank you.