New users not found in admincp...
Hi all, firstly just to say I'm very new to VB4 having just converted my phpBB over. Very sweet, very easy, absolutely LOVE VB4 in comparison!
I have a slight issue though; as I'm sure everyone else does, I'm getting a lot of spam users signing up (my forum is set to moderate all new users) and while this is a pain I can do without, I'm fully aware of the futility in trying to stop it completely.
What's worrying me a little though is that I'm receiving new user email notifications from my admincp but when I come to moderate them, they're not in the list. Now I know that's probably because they haven't confirmed their email address, but surely therefore they would be searchable within the "users awaiting email confirmation" group?
Whereas for me a user search simply returns no results.
I'll dig in the DB directly, but I just wondered if anyone could shine a light? I admit it's probably a lack of or a misunderstanding on my part so thanks in advance for any feedback.