Originally Posted by kether1
I've been having some issues with usergroup permissions. If I select more than one usergroup to show a link to, then the link doesn't appear. If I select only one, then the link appears fine. I read through the posts here and found others with this issue. It was stated that if one re-uploads all the files and re-installs the product allowing overwrite (yes) then it should correct the issue. I haven't been able to get more than one usergroup at a time using the tick boxes. My work around is to create the sub links two times (one for each user group I want to see the link), but this seems like a bug of some kind. Thanks for any suggestions.
This all works fine for me. I have multiple user groups checked on the menus at my website. You might check your permissions for the app area you are concerned with and see if there are any conflicts. Only issue I am having with this is trying to keep the right links in the lower navbar, but I think that's a problem in the vanilla navigation manager that vb folks hopefully will answer. Also check that the user (you) is not in one of the groups you checked that you do NOT want them to see. I think this being a beta may have some conflicts between what you set in the extended navigation manager as compared to the user group permissions set in the vb admin panel.