Originally Posted by Fergal C
You can do all of that using PayPal and vB, it's just not automated. E.g. you can post a topic on your forum offering to let users pay to stick a thread. Then ask members or guests to send the payment via PayPal and let you know the link to the thread they want stuck. What additional functionality would you need from VB to accomplish this?
Well of coarse it can be done manually, that's besides the point of this thread.
when you've got hundreds of thousands of visits a month and hundreds or thousands of active, posting members at any given time this just simply isn't feasible.
Originally Posted by Fergal C
What additional functionality would you need from VB to accomplish this?
functionality to allow members to promote their content on the forum, in an automated fashion.
For example, a button that says 'promote thread' in the thread tools bar, with options like, "stick thread", "bump thread", "promote with ad" etc.