Originally Posted by cuco88
I just tried it on 4.2.0 PL2.
TMS 1.2.0 b4
TMS 1.2.0 b4 Patch
CSS-Sprites 0.7.2
This template fixes
Result: The template modification works, it generates sprites and adds them to my forum, BUT:
- It is not working for the mobile style
- Memberaction_Dropdown is still not found by TMS
- on the "who is online"-page the small triangle for the sorting makes the coloumn to big, so it "destroys" the design (only a few pixel)
- the "unsubscribe a forum"-image is shown 1,5x
and the biggest problem:
- it is not working correctly if you use your own statusicons with a prefix. The generated CSS rules and the inserted CSS Tags are not matching, so no images are shown. This is disappointing.
Damn, this looked so promising! I hope, vB will add this default.  Now I have to uninstall it.
What do you mean your own statusicons with a prefix. I have this working with my own statusicons
screen capture for the "un-subscribe a forum" screw up? Is it possible that you unsubscribe image is grayscale and your using an old version of the GD library? Which was a reoccurring issue for people.
The only outstanding bugs with this mod that I'm aware of:
- - on the "who is online"-page the small triangle for the sorting makes the column header to big by a few pixels
- - Forumdisplay pages would not have their threads sprite statusicons added in latest vBulletin. Users supplied fix, post 536
- - Search pages won't have sprites, needs a template update. Both this and the one above broke because of vbulletin template changes in later versions that this mod hasn't accounted for since released.