Originally Posted by anz
I believe this plugin should get much more effort before asking money for it.
It basically does not work 'as it is'.
In what way does it not work? Are you expecting it to do more than it does? If you can be more specific about the problem, we might be able to help you with it: Fix it if it's a bug, or explain why the mod doesn't do what you are expecting, or even look at implementing it if it's not a feature.
Originally Posted by anz
I have version 4.0.8. It will not work until doing the following change in the functions.php:
PHP Code:
$return = false;
//if (!isset($permission))
($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('can_moderate_forum')) ? eval($hook) : false;
return $return;
This is probably Okay, but...
You've removed a permissions check, not something we'd suggest you do. I've not checked it on 4.0.8, but if you explain what the problem is, we'll look into why it's not working (if appropriate).
Originally Posted by anz
1. Where is the soft-delete ability which is announced?
One of the posters has a thread which has about 1,000 pages. Moderators have no time to clean it up, and I'd like to allow this poster to take care about his thread by allowing him editing and deliting messages.
The only way I found is clicking 'Edit' and then in the Advanced Edit mode VB has an option 'Delete'.
Just imagine how much time the poster should spend for deleting ~900 pages by clicking 'Edit' on each message and then 'Delete'!
This should be done 18,000 times!
This is really terrible. 
Soft delete is meant to work from within the post as Alan mentions in the previous post. This is not a mass moderating capability. It might be something we can look at adding. We will make some initial investigations to see what we can do for this.
Originally Posted by anz
2. After having this plugin running, option 'Manage thread' becomes available.
This is definitely a bug. Since it allows moving a thread into any forum poster wants.
The bug almost certainly comes from the code change you made above, as there are no administrative tools available to users normally. The only options a user gets is as if they have permissions to sticky or close their thread.
If you've got this problem without the code change you made above, please let us know so we can investigate.