Originally Posted by LaBella
(Especially if you are the same you as on vbadvanced)
Yep tis me
The attached are what I've done so far, basically converted all the contents of the vb 3.8 status icons folder into .png's and renamed to coincide with the vb 4.2 ones (as far as I can tell) so they can be directly replaced...in theory at any rate... owing to my php issues on my upgrade this afternoon they haven't been tested... I did intend to go through all the icons and stuff and replace them and was hoping for my site to be live on 4.2 by now but alas this hasn't happened
I think there may well be some that aren't right and some others that need to be converted as there is more in the 4.2 folder than the 3.8 folder, although the differences may not matter or something else could be converted or used to cover these if this is the case, I simply don't know as I have no means of testing them or even looking at what is what until I can get a 4.2 site running... whatever the case let me know how you get on, if they are ok etc and I'll assist wherever I can