Originally Posted by docvader
Don't think so, I know it did so in the past with all the previous themes I used. The blue and the orange xml's only seem to be converting the forum; the blog and the CMS have white backgrounds, and only some of your theme colors. I'm using VB 4.2; forum.russbo.com. Maybe version 4.2 has a new way of doing things? Seems like some previous posters had the same issue. And, for some reason, other theme authors are writing three separate xml's (blog, CMS, forum) for their submissions.
Not sure what to tell you, every time I import the style.xml it worlks fine. Blue and Red must be set as a child style to the Blackend (orange).
Originally Posted by LiftYourHood
Can I install this style on 4.2.0 Patch Level 2?
Is it ok if I don't have the Publishing Suite with CMS?
thanks! this is my all time favorite style, I'm so happy that you updated it. can wait to hear back from you,
Should work fine, you may have to check the box that says "Ignore style version" when importing.