Originally posted by Gilby
What did he have in his hack? My plan is to make an email to PM gateway where someone could reply to the post made on the newsgroup privately and it'd go in the forums as a PM. I was also going to make it where the email address only worked for a week, which is why I callled it as timelimit.whatever.com for the domain. However, that might take a while to roll out as i'm woring on other projects.
With FastForward's hack, a custom profile field had to be created that would contain a user-specified e-mail address that they wanted to appear in their usenet posts. Each post was sent to the newsgroup with that e-mail address.
The reason I liked that method was that a user could alter their e-mail address to prevent spambots from picking it up (i.e.
myname@yahoo-spamblock.com). I worry that your idea may cause spam to end up in people's PM boxes.