Originally Posted by Chadi
How do I manually revert a rejected registration and allow the user to proceed?
I got this:
Spam-O-Matic Tagged username - Sneakers - Spammer Found and rejected.
How do I know the detailed reasons why it was rejected?
run this query
UPDATE `glowhostspamomatic_remotecache` SET `is_spambot`='0' WHERE (`field`='username') AND (`is_spambot`='1') AND (`data`='Sneakers')
and disable username in your settings so this wont happen again
make sure you make yourself superadmin from the config then go to AdminCP > Statistics & Logs > Glowhost Spam-O-Matic Logs
if it was his name first check on the spam o matic forums make sure he is not a spammer check his ip and email as well and only run the query if he is found to be a real person