Did it work with the free version?
If so:
on raidersoft's admin page, on the General page, did you turn on "require validation", or what's that setting called?
Did you change the files in any way?
If no on everything, pm me your chatbit, and your General settings at raidersoft. An url and test account might help too
What kind of chat rooms does your server provide? This hack should work with a lot of java based chats. All that's needed is to dump the code to call the chat into the chatbit template (with a few minor adjustments, I think). Do you have an example of such code?
Otherwise simply try it out. All that's really needed to get this thing going is the creation of three templates, and uploading the chat.php file. No modification of any vBulletin file or database setting is necessary. If it's never going to work (or you don't like it) undoing the install is easily done.