Version 1.2 available! Enjoy! :up:
v1.2- New layout choice for galleridisplay: Grid layout with feature to change the width of albumbits via admincp
- Integration of vBulletin's sidebar with Gallery Home (admin can enable or disable it on admincp)
- New feature: flood check and character limit check for the search engine
- Improved breadcrumb (add category name to navbit) ("Gallery > {category name} > Member List > {username} > Albums > {album name}" )
- "Inverse pyramid like" statistics for categories [a main category "has" the albums of its subcategories - like forum statistics (threads/posts) works for subforums]
- New feature: admin can enable/disable the view of empty categories (= categories with 0 Albums)
- New feature: admin can enable/disable the use of search engine by guests
- Building of Gallery Statistics by cronjob (= refresh every one hour). Very important for server performance.
- 1 bug fixed
1. Upload all files of folder "upload" to your forum root.
2. Import *xml product.
3. (
Important) Open template
album_edit and find:
HTML Code:
<fieldset class="blockrow">
add below:
HTML Code:
<vb:if condition="$vboptions['sc_gallery_onoff']">
{vb:raw formdata.catid}
How to upgrade:
FIRST OF ALL: Upload and replace all files of folder "upload" to your forum root.
2. THEN: Import XML product with
"Allow Overwrite" to YES.