Originally Posted by ProFifaLeagues
Say on a singles ladder playing Football the Crown can be set to any player to start the ladder then when he is beaten the Winner auto takes the Crown on and will have that set on there Profile until someone beats them and takes it.
So Can be used for lots of different game modes too.
You can see it in action on any league ladder etc
Although I appreciate your reply, that does not answer my questions. I know what a crown is!! What I do not know is where it is for this mod, how to activate it, how to see it, or any other setting needed. There for sure was no crown image in the image folder, and so I need to know what it is since it was mentioned as a upgrade in latest version. Please explain Bananalive on this Crown for the latest update.
I also noticed a new setting to be able to manage all team members, but the admin or super admin still can not delete members from teams. That is required of the team leader to do. So we are still at the same point that when a person deletes his account or is deleted because of double IP registration there is a blank spot on a teams roster.
I also noticed that with the new update and your pop-up comes up when you click on view team profile it goes to an error stating team does not exist. Can this please be looked into!!