Originally Posted by pastapiggy
Thanks guys.
I'm going to install your mod first chance I get, Simon.
A list of what I have installed mods-wise:
vB Pager (I know we technically shouldn't have this, but my members love it)*
vBadvanced CMPS
Post Thank You Hack*
Post Groan Hack*
PassiveVid (YouTube embedding etc)
Dream's Chatbox
Yet Another Award System*
Favorite Smilies
Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics
Yet Another Mass Private Message System
Miserable Users
nCode Image Resizer
Welcome headers
Poll Write In Vote
Sakera's Hide Poll Results
Mark Threads As 'Solved'
Members Who Have Visited Today
WarLion Online/Offline avatar opacity
Unknown Location
Geez, we have a lot of crap. I put an asterisk next to the stuff we would miss a lot. However, obviously nothing is too sacred in the effort to get our usage normal.
My members like the chatbox but if you think it will help, I'll disable it. It's just the bulk of our issues were coming from showthread.php, they said, and we only have the shoutbox on the forum index. And yeah, i might have to consider moving to VPS.
I'll get that info from the host for the next time I make a post.
Thanks again.
The ones in bold and of course the red big bold are whats probably causing mopst of your problems.
You can get a level 2 VPS from HostGator for like $21.00 a month, which should be more than enough to run your forum. You can even get 25% off with the coupon code "vbhostingvps".