Hey guys, thanks a million for your tips, I wish I had all that info ages ago.
I un-installed it, and used this one here instead -
VSA flash image banner
When I setup the new one just today, I spotted what I did wrong. It was SO stupid, but the hurry really ruined my head....
OK here is the embarrassing thing I did. When setting usergroups for the adverts to show, I viewed all my usergroups. Seen "admin" was #1 and set it that only #1 can see it. Looking back, admin is actually #6, and instead I was showing adverts to users who were not logged in.
I seen #1, but it really meant that was that amount of users who were admins. Feeling damn stupid now, I'm usually good with these things! I was so sure of myself too.
Thanks very much for clearing this up for me and others Salvador21 and Y2ksw