Hi All
I have been using VB for a long time now and like everyone else the lack of a Review Mod has for lack of a better word sucked. I've given up building one that is totally integrated and moved to finding a really good stand alone and backward integrating into VB so at least the long in is universal. With the log in being passed and being able to customize the header and footer that is good enough for me. I've done the same sort of thing for a good eCommerce solution and it's worked fine. You can check out my
fishing site to see what I have done in the way of mods and integration.
In regards to Reviews I picked an application made by
Crowd Vox. It's the most robust and customizable php Review script I have found. I am integrating the log in with vB and will have it done in three weeks time at the most. If anyone is interested in chipping in to have the mod to make it work please contact me. Brandon at Tidal Fish dot com. If you want to wait to see what it looks like once I have it stood up that is cool as well.
It's not the absolute perfect solution, but as long as it's a seamless customer experience with a robust back end that is what matters for me.