Hi Guys,
at first this is a great an very useful mod.
But I have a question or problem. But before I come to that I explain what I want.
I have created a forum and within that I had provide a FanFic section which my users can
write an public their own stories.
But before they do that, there should be a story-header in the first post of the new created
Normaly each user which want to public a Story use a prefabricated template to copy this in the
first post of the story.
But this is inflexible because the users can't define and choose different values e.g. title of
the story, category in which the story is sort in, age details and so on.
Therfore this mod allowed me to create a template so each of my users can use that for their own
story. This will be very flexible and useful.
Now I come to my problem or question:
When the user use the story-form for his own story and fill in all fields, is there a posibility
when he click on submit, that the form mod will create a thread in the right section with the
value of the e.g. dropdown category field.
Here a example:
Within the FaFic section, there is e.g. two subforen. The first subforen ist called Crime and
the other one is horror. Each subforen is a category at the same time. That means, if the user
had chosen a category the form mod should take the value of the category and will create a new
thread in the right section.