I'm totally exhausted trying to fix this...
My ads won't show at all, even though they work fine with VB adverts feature.
Can someone run over what
exact code should be inserted into the ad_navbar_below
For example this
is my banner options.
If I place the above code into it, it won't work.
If I place any of the above variations it also won't work. (I've read back about 20 pages now)
FYI - I'm in the middle of an argument here with GF over why my hair has been torn out over our bed sheets.... im serious too.
The tutorials are all very nice looking, and time has been put into them, but at the end of the day I've watched and read everything and man I am clueless as to what is going wrong.
I'm on 4.2.0 by the way. And thanks for any replies to my question... now back to arguing with my gf.