Hello there,
I'd like to provide a new translation for your mod, but as it seems you made an error:
I updated the mod from 2.0 to 3.0.
As I view the ACP settings the option for "Showgroups-Tag" is there twice.
The green one has been translated for 2.0 yet, the red one is the dublication I got now. I'm quite sure you'd like to write STU instead of SHOWTOGROUPS?! Ok for me this is no problem, I can concern that for my translation, but maybe it will confuse the users of the original phrases.
Aaaaaaaaaand last but not least, you forget to phrase this one:
Kay, I'm done with my translation up to now, I'll PM you a link to the german vbulletin.org where I will upload my translation, if you'd like to reupload to your thread or writing the link in your mod description.
Finally I'd like to make a suggestion: In my opinion It would be better to change STU to "SHOWTOUSERS" (I did so in my translation yet
