Originally Posted by Syxguns
Well, I don't have full information on your settings to be able to really help you out.
1) Did you create a new members group and if you did do you allow for URL's and pics? Those are part of the permissions that need to be adjusted. However, if you are not placing anyone in a new member group then make sure that Newbies Manager: Put New User Into Newbies Group? is set to NO.
2) I haven't ever tried it but maybe set Newbies Manager: Promotion From Post Count
to 0 and have them moved directly into the registered member area.
To be hones you may not want to use this modification. You would probably like vBStopForumSpam. It does not have built in auto moderation, it is just for registration. It is reported to work with vB 4.
1 - No, I did not.
2 - N/A, as I'm not using the newbies usergroup, right?
I've been using this mod for some time, and it's been extremely effective, so I'd like to continue supporting it before just jumping ship to something else.
Anyone else have some insight?