Originally Posted by wilford brimley
how can i make the highlight stay on for more than a few scripts? it erases them after i type it in. I have five custom pages that are "channels"
In each of my custom .PHP pages I place
define('THIS_SCRIPT', 'xxx');
Where xxx is the reference I want to use.
Then in Navigation specify xxx in the Tab Script's box
Any sub links I then also use the same reference and it stays highlighted.
Using the allow/not allow for usergroups doesnt actually protect the page does it? just who can view the menu item, correct? so if they know the url they can still see it. I add this on my custom php pages:
if (!$vbulletin->userinfo['userid'])
if (!is_member_of($vbulletin->userinfo, 6, 18)) {
// no permission if you aren't a member of usergroupid 6, 18
just change user id to whatever the group is.
I use this in the templates rather than the PHP scripts, that also works.
<if condition="is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 6) or is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 5) or is_member_of($bbuserinfo, 7)">
<else />