This will sound pretty funny I guess...
I'm currently without net access at home, so all my site work is being done from work - which has no downloading or FTP access...
So what I've been doing with content it producing it at home, taking it to a net cafe, e-mailing it in 1MB lumps to another admin of my site, and getting him to upload it and correct the links to show it...
Now for forum edits it gets a little more tricky...
My account info for this forum is on my pc at home, so I thought 'fair enough, I'll e-mail the guys and ask them to send me my password to my hotmail e-mail...' Erkk! No 'contact us' link on here, and to e-mail someone I have to use the forum, which needs me registered... So I had to register (because I forgot my password) on these forums again, then I realised that I have to fill in the validation to show I've purchased VB software! So it was useless me registering again, because I still have to go home, open outlook, cancel all the 'cant find server, can't find server, can't find server' crappy things until it loads up and I can check my old e-mails for the username and password I need for, THEN I have to write it down, bring it into work and enter it in AGAIN then, in which case I could just use my original account? But still need my password from home... And all because I couldn't just contact someone and ask for my password.
And they say the lady loves milk tray...
Take it easy fellas.