Originally Posted by Lynne
Just to add that global_start is also deprecated. People need to start paying attention to that because it could disappear at any time (it's been two years since it was deprecated).
I think this points more towards the root of the problem. If i change the borken plugin to fire on parse_templates, the product will then fail to work on boards that don't utilize vB_Template::create(); at global_start...
Edit: I changed the broken plugin to kh99's suggestion and the template plugins to fire at global_bootstrap_init_start and that seemed to have solved it. The plugin works correctly in my custom skin and the default now. Thanks.
product: atdtwt
hook location: parse_templates
execution order: 5
PHP Code:
if (THIS_SCRIPT == 'showthread') {
$atdtwt_js = "\n".'<script type="text/javascript" src="atdtwt_js.php?do=main"> </script>'."\n".'<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="clientscript/atdtwt/main.css" />'."\n";
$template_hook[headinclude_bottom_css] .= $atdtwt_js;