Originally Posted by Tetrabyte
I have installed this mod successfully and am happy - it looks rather good!
The thanks button however is the same colour as my background, and thus users can't see it!
How can I change this?
I think I need to change the class="post_thanks_button" style attributes, but for the life of me can't work out where!
Any help appreciated! 
Originally Posted by Tetrabyte
since I was a guest I can't see the post thanks button
pm me temp access to the forum
so I can figure out the button issue
but for your post bit alignment issue
since your are using postbit_legacy
you need to open up your post thanks template group and replace your post_thanks_postbit_info template
<dt>{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_thanks}</dt> <dd>{vb:raw post.post_thanks_user_amount_formatted}</dd>
<vb:if condition="$post['post_thanks_thanked_times'] == 1">
{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_time_post}
<vb:elseif condition="$post['post_thanks_thanked_posts'] == 1" />
{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_times_post, {vb:raw post.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}}
<vb:else />
<dd style="white-space:nowrap; display:inline;">{vb:rawphrase post_thanks_times_posts, {vb:raw post.post_thanks_thanked_times_formatted}, {vb:raw post.post_thanks_thanked_posts_formatted}}</dd>
and remove it
this will fix the alignment issue