Sorry for bumping this but I found it via google search, and the fix no longer works (that plugin)
My question is, is there anyway to get the {vb:raw similarthreads} tag to work in the postbit_legacy template??
I have ads showing under the first post of threads now (adsense), which i added via the postbit_legacy template at the bottom. Basically just dropped the code inside an if condition so it only shows if it's the first post.
Anyways, I wish I could just drop {vb:raw similarthreads} in there with the adsense and be done with it but the similar threads box doesn't load this way, I'm assuming because the similar threads box hasn't been built yet in the script or something, idk.
Edit - Oh crud, I just realized this thread is in the 3.x forums, I'm running on 4.x

lol hopefully someone can still help me out though.