Originally Posted by kh99
I think you'd need to do that in javascript. I did a quick google search for it and didn't find anything like that. But I think it's possible to disable copying selected text from an html page, so I suppose one way to do it would be to disable copying, then add a "copy" button next to each post that copies a preview with "read more" link to the clipboard.
In any case, this won't generally stop people from copying your content because it wouldn't be that hard to get around (you only need to disable javascript, for instance).
Originally Posted by paulket
I want this as well. You can get the javascript from http://www.tynt.com/ (it's free) but I don't understand how to add it to the "page template" as mentioned in the video on their site.
A link on how to install it http://www.tynt.com/support/how-to-i...#axzz1wrgxsybp
Edit: I added the script they provided (after signing up) to the bottom of my headinclude template and it works 
thank you my friends
I will look into this and will let you know if I find a solution