Originally Posted by Cougartint
Is the product advertising API the same as Amazons data feed program? I thought there would be an easier way to get a few products (200 and less) from Amazon and put them in xml file.
An API allows you to request products on demand, it does not give you information on them until you do so meaning that you'd still have to save the data yourself, compile it, then import it.
With 200 products you can however use the existing import script.
Could you also help me with this error: The administrator of this site must disable the vBulletin option "Add Template Name in HTML Comments", a debugging feature, to use this mod. Unless of course they want debugging comments in the reviews.
It's an admin setting that helps sites debug their templates by adding comment tags. However since this mod hides a post it causes a conflict and needs to be turned off... if you didn't know what it was, you aren't using it.